Shoalhaven High School

Providing a quality education in a caring and supportive environment

Telephone02 4421 8022

P&C Association

Shoalhaven High School P&C Association


  • Only 1 meeting per term (2 in term 1 – for our AGM)
  • 4:00pm start for approx. 1 hour only in the front meeting room
  • No fundraising
  • Friendly environment - welcoming
  • Information from the Executive Principal
  • $1 membership for 12 months

The P&C are dedicated to supporting Shoalhaven High School staff and students. We currently have a small but committed number of members. We need to grow in numbers for the P&C to continue its success.

The P&C would love to see some new faces and have fresh input at our meetings. The Executive Principal attends every meeting to let us know what is happening across SHS.

The meetings are held during school terms; Weeks 5 & 8 in Term 1 and Week 8 in Terms 2, 3 & 4. These go for approximately 1 hour, usually finishing a little after 5:00pm. The SHS P&C hope to see you at our meetings in 2023, 2024 and onwards.

The P&C has an important role in guiding the development of the school, running the Canteen to raise funds, and assisting in developing school facilities and grounds. It has representation on all school decision making teams. If there is no P&C Association, there will be no Canteen.


Current executive members

  • President: Mrs Jocelyn Fox
  • Treasurer: Mrs Kylie Wallace
  • Secretary: Mrs Amber Van Dusen