Shoalhaven High School

Providing a quality education in a caring and supportive environment

Telephone02 4421 8022

School Uniform

Dear Parents/Carers,

Shoalhaven High School has a school uniform that has been endorsed by the schools P & C. It is an expectation that all students present to school in their full school uniform. Students in full school uniform ensure that staff can monitor the safety of all students, and easily identify any persons that are not meant to be on the school site. Research indicates that wearing school uniform helps students build an attachment to the school and can increase engagement in their education.

From Monday 15 June Shoalhaven High School will begin implementing the schools uniform policy. All students have been spoken to about the schools’ expectations and the procedures that will be commencing from Monday. Each day students will be marked regarding their uniform during daily lessons as staff members mark the roll. This information will be collated by Ms Wood (HT Wellbeing). The monitoring process and consequences are outlined below:

1. Students out of uniform will be recorded each lesson by the staff member.
2. A tally is collated on a 2 week cycle.
3. Each time a student hits a threshold of six (6) times out of uniform they are placed on the uniform list.
4. When a student has been marked out of uniform twelve (12) times the Year Advisor will make contact with students and family to offer support or assistance in acquiring uniform.
5. When a student is marked out of uniform eighteen (18) times the Deputy Principal will make contact with the students and families and the issue will be considered as defiance. Further non-wearing of school uniform will result in students being asked to go home and change or be placed in the Reflection Room for the day for persistent defiance and complete their studies.

Acceptable uniform can include: navy jumpers (with no logos), navy tracksuit pants and undershirts that are the same colour as our school uniform (white or navy blue).

If a student is out of uniform and has a note to explain the reasons why, they present the note to their roll call teacher who will sign the note and return to the student. Students are then required to present the note to their class teachers and will NOT be marked out of uniform for that day.

If any financial assistance is required with uniform please do not hesitate to contact the school and speak with the Principal, Deputy Principal or Year Advisor so arrangements can be made. Families on eligible pension and health care cards are entitled to a one off $80 payment to spend on uniform through our uniform shop. The uniform shop is located on site and is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00am-1:00pm

We thank you for your support in ensuring all our students attend each day in full school uniform.

With Kind Regards,
Damian Rees